Why "Throwing Horns Abroad"?

Why “Throwing Horns Abroad”?

Ever want to satisfy one passion while also feeding another? Well I’m passionate about music (metal music in particular) and also love travel, so why not throw the two together?

As a child I traveled almost exclusively with my parents (not counting summer camp trips or those high school music tours) which meant destinations like Disneyland, camping, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, Mexico, and the U.K. Most of our travel was centered on either the beautiful nature around us, or typical tourist sites. As a young adult I traveled for a lot of the same reasons, and as I grew older much of my travel was centered on conferences and conventions. 

It was only in my 30’s that I started getting tired of the musical acts that I liked skipping my city (the problem felt world-wide by people living in either distant, remote, or small centers) (or in my case, Canadian) for their tours, and decided that if they wouldn’t come to me… I would go to them. While it might seem strange to spend a few hundred (or thousand!) dollars to travel to a $30 concert, it’s a great excuse to travel to different places in general.

I hope to share some of these travel experiences with you!

Ok, I get the “abroad” part, but what about “throwing horns”?

I did mention that I’m a metal-music fan, right? Well, for those of you who love it too, you know that “throwing horns” is a pretty common sight at a metal concert. For those of you who don’t care for metal music, it is just a sign of having a good time, being excited, and loving the show. 

Music + travel = Throwing Horns Abroad!